How to display file properties via terminal?

What is the command line that displays file informations (or properties), such as in GUI method Display properties in GNOME?

Display properties GNOME

I know that ls -l shows properties; but how to display the same informations?

For example, instead of


we have such GUI rendering:

abdennour@estifeda: $wishedCmd myFile
  Permissions : 
    Owner Access: Read & write 
    Group Access :Read & Write 
    Others Access: Read only

Screenshot of permissions dialogue

Solution 1:

Use the stat command to know the details of the file. If file name is file_name, use

stat file_name

Solution 2:

There is no dedicated command for this. For meta information like time, size and access rights, use

ls -l path-to-file

You might also be interested in what kind of file it is, file path-to-file will help you with that.

Solution 3:

Have you tried file?

For example:

file picture.jpg

Solution 4:

Something like

print_perm() {
  case "$1" in
    0) printf "NO PERMISSIONS";;
    1) printf "Execute only";;
    2) printf "Write only";;
    3) printf "Write & execute";;
    4) printf "Read only";;
    5) printf "Read & execute";;
    6) printf "Read & write";;
    7) printf "Read & write & execute";;

[[ ! -e $1 ]] &&  echo "$0 <file or dir>" 2>&1 && exit 1

perm=$(stat -c%a "$1")

echo "Permissions :"
printf "\tOwner Access: $(print_perm $user)\n"
printf "\tGroup Access: $(print_perm $group)\n"
printf "\tOthers Access: $(print_perm $global)\n"


# rwxr-x--- foo*
> ./abovescript foo
Permissions :
    Owner Access: Read & write & execute
    Group Access: Read & execute
    Others Access: NO PERMISSIONS