Where is the correct place to report a bug in SQL Server?

Solution 1:

Now that Connect is being retired thanks to GDPR, they've migrated all Connect content (supposedly!) to UserVoice under the Azure feedback forums. Bugs/issues/product-feedback should be directed there.

Interestingly enough, they say "If you have a technical issue, please open a post on StackOverflow or MSDN." Not sure what they mean by "technical issue" and whether or not it's a synonym for "bug". But, given that Connect was used for filing bugs while it was alive, it stands to reason that this new location, wherein they've migrated 4000 bug reports from Connect, would continue to be the correct place for such... but I'm no MVP or "insider" or whatnot, so hopefully someone closer to the source can verify this.

Solution 2:

you can report bugs at the sql server connect site https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer

however, here are 2 workarounds because you really don't need the parenthesis

USE [msdb]  
SELECT * FROM msdbms ORDER BY dbms

USE [msdb]  
select * from 
(SELECT * FROM msdbms) x

Solution 3:

Connect is the usual site.

Another parentheses related issue.