How to type Redux actions and Redux reducers in TypeScript?

With Typescript 2's Tagged Union Types you can do the following

interface ActionA {
    type: 'a';
    a: string

interface ActionB {
    type: 'b';
    b: string

type Action = ActionA | ActionB;

function reducer(action:Action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'a':
            return'action a: ', action.a) 
        case 'b':
            return'action b: ', action.b)          

I have an Action interface

export interface Action<T, P> {
    readonly type: T;
    readonly payload?: P;

I have a createAction function:

export function createAction<T extends string, P>(type: T, payload: P): Action<T, P> {
    return { type, payload };

I have an action type constant:

const IncreaseBusyCountActionType = "IncreaseBusyCount";

And I have an interface for the action (check out the cool use of typeof):

type IncreaseBusyCountAction = Action<typeof IncreaseBusyCountActionType, void>;

I have an action creator function:

function createIncreaseBusyCountAction(): IncreaseBusyCountAction {
    return createAction(IncreaseBusyCountActionType, null);

Now my reducer looks something like this:

type Actions = IncreaseBusyCountAction | DecreaseBusyCountAction;

function busyCount(state: number = 0, action: Actions) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case IncreaseBusyCountActionType: return reduceIncreaseBusyCountAction(state, action);
        case DecreaseBusyCountActionType: return reduceDecreaseBusyCountAction(state, action);
        default: return state;

And I have a reducer function per action:

function reduceIncreaseBusyCountAction(state: number, action: IncreaseBusyCountAction): number {
    return state + 1;

Here's a clever solution from Github user aikoven from

type Action<TPayload> = {
    type: string;
    payload: TPayload;

interface IActionCreator<P> {
  type: string;
  (payload: P): Action<P>;

function actionCreator<P>(type: string): IActionCreator<P> {
  return Object.assign(
    (payload: P) => ({type, payload}),

function isType<P>(action: Action<any>,
                          actionCreator: IActionCreator<P>): action is Action<P> {
  return action.type === actionCreator.type;

Use actionCreator<P> to define your actions and action creators:

export const helloWorldAction = actionCreator<{foo: string}>('HELLO_WORLD');
export const otherAction = actionCreator<{a: number, b: string}>('OTHER_ACTION');

Use the user defined type guard isType<P> in the reducer:

function helloReducer(state: string[] = ['hello'], action: Action<any>): string[] {
    if (isType(action, helloWorldAction)) { // type guard
       return [...state,], // action.payload is now {foo: string}
    else if(isType(action, otherAction)) {

And to dispatch an action:

dispatch(helloWorldAction({foo: 'world'})
dispatch(otherAction({a: 42, b: 'moon'}))

I recommend reading through the whole comment thread to find other options as there are several equally good solutions presented there.