why is network interface loaded as "rename3"?

Solution 1:

How to rename Network interfaces:

Here is one solution, on how to rename the interface. Most likely, there was something which went wrong under the setup of the device, so, let's roll on with it:

Open the file


And look for "rename3" in it. You will find this: NAME="rename3" on a pretty long line, so i suggest that you open the file in "gedit", and search for that word by pressing ctrl+f.

Command for that: sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

When you find it, edit it to desired name, like NAME="wlan0" (if not taken) or something, that you can recognize it easily.

On the same line, you'll find another parameter called KERNEL=="rename3". You don't have to edit this "kernel" parameter, as i am unsure myself what it is for. It works without changing that.

Now save the file, and close it.

After doing this, remember also to check your /etc/network/interfaces file to reflect the interface’s name change.

Restart the service:

/etc/init.d/networking restart


Solution 2:

Not claiming to be an expert here, but here is what I found. After seeing one of my interfaces named "rename2", I checked the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. There I could see that both my second and third NIC had the same name, eth1. After changing the last of them to eth2, and rebooting, everything was back to normal.