Minecraft: Issues concerning chunk refreshing

I'm playing Minecraft: Java Edition version 1.11 on PC. I was designing a flying machine with observers and pistons when I observed this bug.

Whenever the flying machine sets off, it creates randomly, some observers and pistons, throughout its path. These components can be broken but will not drop as an item.

Is this problem related to some issues in chunk loading/refreshing?

Reloading the save removes all these randomly created components.

I've uploaded some screenshots of these instances

enter image description hereenter image description here

Is there a solution to fix this issue?

These aren't actual blocks, these are only visual bugs, so-called "ghost blocks". To test, you can for example try to place a block on them and you'll see that it instead places the block where the ghost block was. A lot of bugs that caused ghost blocks were fixed since 1.11, so I recommended playing a more recent version.