Postgres doesn't have hstore extension
I was trying to run the following command but i threw me any error.
template1=# CREATE EXTENSION hstore
ERROR: could not open extension control file "usr/share/postgreesql/9.2/extension/hstore.control": No such file or directory
It seems like I need to download the postgres-devel packages, but I don't know exactly what I am missing. I installed my postgres with this command so I thought everything I need would be included together.
sudo apt-get install postgres-9.2
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Solution 1:
The hstore extension, as well as many other extensions such as cube, fuzzystrmatch, uuid-ossp, etc., are packaged in postgresql-contrib
, which you can install for your PostgreSQL version using:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.2
On a standard Ubuntu install,
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
will install PostgreSQL with its contributed extensions.