How to specifically send either a chat message to all players or only allies? [duplicate]

With the definitive edition I want to play more of this old game.
One problem I've always had is how to chat only to allies or everyone.
It's unclear to me where the default Enter chat goes to, it seems everyone.
How can this be specified?

Solution 1:

You can use the "trumpet" icon at the top of the screen to open the chat dialog. There you can use the check marks to select the players your message shall be shown to.

See the icon pointed out by the red arrow in the top right corner:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can use various characters when typing a message to select a group of recipients:

  • Send message to enemies: #
  • Send message to allies: ;
  • Send message to everyone regardless of the team: *

Example use:

#Your villager is ours now! Wololo!