Any way to throttle calls to a specific API in Chrome DevTools while leaving others unthrottled?

I have a single page application that communicates with a few different APIs, and I am hoping to throttle requests made to a specific one for testing. Is it possible to be domain specific with network throttling using Chrome DevTools?

I know you can throttle the network in Chrome and simulate a slow connection (e.g. Regular 3G connection) via the Network conditions tab, but this affects all requests. I am hoping to just affect one specific API to simulate the situation where this other service is really slow but all others are fine.

Solution 1:

If you can change the URLs, there's a site that is a delay proxy for HTTP resources. For example, if you want URL to be delayed by 5 seconds, change it to

Solution 2:

No, Chrome DevTools network throttling does not allow you to do selective throttling.

If you want to simulate specific services being slow and you have them running on your local machine, I would recommend installing a throttling proxy (e.g. Charles proxy).

If those services are deployed and you still want to simulate sluggish response, I would try amending /etc/hosts to point to a local charles proxy as well.

Solution 3:

Someone has now built a chrome extension for this - URL Throttler.