Force Chrome to open URLs as URLs, instead of searching

I have a local Apache server running, which is defined through /etc/hosts as "apache". So I often open pages like:


Normally, this works fine. However, since I am using a more recent Chrome browser, at odd moments the browser decides that the URL I type is not a URL but actually a search, so it loads my default search engine and tries to find this URL. It often, but not always, shows a link under the address bar that says Did you mean to go to http://apache/website?. That is nice, but very annoying having to click here instead of going there directly. What makes Chrome behave this way? Can I fix this?

I had the same problem and i found that typing the / at the end will always treat it as a url instead of keyword.

For example in my case : is treated as search

but its working fine

You can implicitly do this by creating a new search engine with a URL of http://%s and keyword of null. Then, set this as the default search engine.

To get to the search engines page in chrome:

  • Open Settings panel.
  • Click Manage search engines... button under Search heading.
  • Search Engines pane has two sections: Default search engines and Other search engines
  • At the bottom of the Other search engines section, you'll see a form which we'll make use to add a new search engine.

Search Engines