Can not paste into Gnome Terminal from Netbeans

Solution 1:

You need to append a Shift when pasting into the Terminal: Ctrl+Shift+V Same with copying a selection only using a C instead:


Shift is the escape sequence for shortcuts when using the Gnome Terminal.

Alternatively you can Right Click->Paste

Solution 2:

I have the same problem with copying from Netbeans to terminal. It seems that when you Ctrl+C in Netbeans, it isn't copied in pure text format, so you can't paste it in terminal which require that kind of format (this is an assumption based on my experience ;) ).

So, how do I do it? Just copy from Netbeans, then paste it in some text editior, on example gedit, then copy it again and just paste in terminal.

Solution 3:

Ctrl+V is not a bound combination in terminals. The terminal application ignores the keyboard event and passes it onto whatever's running. This is desirable because you don't really want the terminal window interfering with your keyboard events.

Right-click and click paste. Or use Primary Selection (highlight some text and middle-click).

Edit: I've just learned something! Shift+Insert will work if you want a keyboard input method. It's a primary-selection-based insert method, so just highlight and go.

Edit 2: I can't stop learning new things! As ændrük says, Ctrl+Shift+V works as a proper clipboard paste. So you've got lots of options. They're just not the standard key-combos.