Express js prevent GET /favicon.ico

Solution 1:

Browsers will by default try to request /favicon.ico from the root of a hostname, in order to show an icon in the browser tab.

If you want to avoid this request returning a 404, you can either:

  • Supply a favicon.ico file that is available at the root of your site.
  • Use a module such as serve-favicon to point requests to a specific file.
  • Catch the favicon.ico request and send a 204 No Content status:
app.get('/favicon.ico', (req, res) => res.status(204));

Solution 2:

my preferred method is middleware

put this somewhere:

function ignoreFavicon(req, res, next) {
  if (req.originalUrl.includes('favicon.ico')) {



Solution 3:

I agree with @Blair Anderson that middleware is the best course of action here but 204 should not return a body. Also, you may want to catch all favicon request e.g.: In which case something like this works best:

app.use( function(req, res, next) {

  if (req.originalUrl && req.originalUrl.split("/").pop() === 'favicon.ico') {
    return res.sendStatus(204);

  return next();
