How can I return to Skyrim after switching to Windows?

When using Alt+Tab, I can't seem to get back to Skyrim. When clicking its icon or Alt+Tab to get back, I just see an empty window. Windowed mode doesn't allow me to use it in a Windowed (Fullscreen) manner as seen with other games, so that doesn't seem to be an option either.

Is there any way to fix this behavior?

When you get to the empty window, Alt+Tab to the Skyrim window again. This will bring you back to the game.

Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager, right click the Skyrim entry in the Applications tab, and select Bring to Front.

Try the Simple Borderless Window mod. It will make Alt-Tabbing almost instant, though may reduce your framerate. It's similar to the mod mentioned by aearon but doesn't require AutoHotKey to be installed.

Another option is this Borderless Windowed Fullscreen mod, but it's going to lower your framerate.