Which elements support the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements?

Solution 1:

As you can read here http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html, :after only works on elements that have a (document tree) content. <input> has no content, as well as <img> or <br>.

Solution 2:

You can put a span before or after the element. E.g.:

  #firstName:invalid+span:before {
    content: "** Not OK **";
    color: red;
  #firstName:valid+span:before {
    content: "** OK **";
    color: green;

<input type="text" 
    title="Please enter your first name (e.g. John )" 

Solution 3:

Webkit lets you do ::after on input elements. If you want a way to make it work in Firefox you could try using ::after on the input's label rather than the input itself.