Using Apache as a reverse proxy HTTPS server in front of Remote Desktop Gateway server

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, RPC-over-HTTP compatibility in Apache looks like a "will not fix". Its behavior doesn't jive with how mod_proxy handles communication, and they aren't inclined to bend over backwards for Microsoft's non-standard HTTP behavior.

See here. Highlight:

If it fails to comply with HTTP, it isn't HTTP, and the ASF HTTP Server project is unlikely to pay attention; particularly if it masquerades as HTTP and is not.


In the interim, after lengthy consideration, this is not an httpd proxy flaw.

If there's no other reason that you were looking at Apache specifically, maybe look into an alternative - HAProxy may be a good fit?

Solution 2:

At least, we've found a solution for RPC-over-HTTP compatibility in Apache

It works with Outlook and MS RDS (Remote Desktop Services) on WindowsServer2012R2

Many thanks to author Micha Lenk aka bombadil!