Railroad questline: House Divided - no next mission from Father?

I'm doing a playthrough with the Railroad. "Keep working with Father" is a main quest objective for now, and during that you go through the usual institute steps: Libertalia, etc.

Problem: After doing "House Divided", there is no next quest. Father only gives you a token response, and the Railroad only has PAM missions.

Either the PAM missions must be done, or the mission trail has gone stale due to a bug. Anyone have insight on this?

Note: Because my character has low charisma, I finished House Divided by letting the synth gorillas out, then killed the gorillas. One of the Institute people are now talking to his invisible friend about the gorillas that now no longer exist.

I am playing on the PS4.

Am I stuck in bugland or is there another way to move quests forward?

Since you have already completed A House Divided, the next main quest you can tackle is Mass Fusion.

If Father has no new dialogue, you need to speak with Dr. Allie Filmore. If you have already spoken to Dr. Filmore, then you can try going to Mass Fusion building. If you get the prompt that you will become a permanent enemy of The Brotherhood of Steel, then you are on the right track.

And since you are doing a Railroad play through, completing Mass Fusion on The Institute side and becoming an enemy of The Brotherhood of Steel is required to maintain your cover.