Idiom for iterating "between each consecutive pair of elements" [duplicate]

My way (without additional branch) is:

const auto separator = "WhatYouWantHere";
const auto* sep = "";
for(const auto& item : items) {
    std::cout << sep << item;
    sep = separator;

Excluding an end element from iteration is the sort of thing that Ranges proposal is designed to make easy. (Note that there are better ways to solve the specific task of string joining, breaking an element off from iteration just creates more special cases to worry about, such as when the collection was already empty.)

While we wait for a standardized Ranges paradigm, we can do it with the existing ranged-for with a little helper class.

template<typename T> struct trim_last
    T& inner;

    friend auto begin( const trim_last& outer )
    { using std::begin;
      return begin(outer.inner); }

    friend auto end( const trim_last& outer )
    { using std::end;
      auto e = end(outer.inner); if(e != begin(outer)) --e; return e; }

template<typename T> trim_last<T> skip_last( T& inner ) { return { inner }; }

and now you can write

for(const auto& item : skip_last(items)) {
    cout << item << separator;


For skip_last that works with ranged-for, a Bidirectional iterator is needed, for similar skip_first it is sufficient to have a Forward iterator.