What are the rarities of each item dropping?

In Wizards Unite, I want to know what the drop chances are, so I can know which items to delete and which ones to keep. Does anyone know the drop chances or has tested it?

Solution 1:

The drop rates seem to vary with location and time of day. So using drop rates to decide what to keep seems not the best choice. You'd still probably already know which drops to expect in your 'home' location and don't need to keep those in high quantities.

Instead, look at the potions you want to use and therefore brew. If you have already outgrown the basic potions and only use the 'strong' or 'potent' ones anyway, there is no need in storing ingredients exclusive to those basic potions (e.g. Granian Hair).

Also, if you are like me who mostly plays alone and doesn't do many challenges, you can also drop ingredients that only are useful in fortresses, like adding focus points.