Can Rigid Carapaces be looted in Greece?

The Titan Quest Wiki, on its Charms and Relics page, says that Rigid Carapaces can be acquired in Any Act...

But at looking at its list of monsters that drop it, I don't recognize any from Greece.

So, can Rigid Carapaces be found in Greece, or not?

Solution 1:

The Titan Quest Wiki says that Rigid Carapaces can be acquired in any Act...

Where "Titan Quest Wiki" says that?

Greece is first act. In this wiki there are also listed farm areas and they are starting from act II. The monsters listed there are definitely not from act I. Also level requirement is 12 (has to look this video to see level, poor wiki), which tells somehow it won't be available from start.

So the answer is - nope, you won't get rigid carapases in act I normally.