What is the difference between a Singleton pattern and a static class in Java? [duplicate]

Almost every time I write a static class, I end up wishing I had implemented it as a non-static class. Consider:

  • A non-static class can be extended. Polymorphism can save a lot of repetition.
  • A non-static class can implement an interface, which can come in handy when you want to separate implementation from API.

Because of these two points, non-static classes make it possible to write more reliable unit tests for items that depend on them, among other things.

A singleton pattern is only a half-step away from static classes, however. You sort of get these benefits, but if you are accessing them directly within other classes via `ClassName.Instance', you're creating an obstacle to accessing these benefits. Like ph0enix pointed out, you're much better off using a dependency injection pattern. That way, a DI framework can be told that a particular class is (or is not) a singleton. You get all the benefits of mocking, unit testing, polymorphism, and a lot more flexibility.

Let's me sum up :)

The essential difference is: The existence form of a singleton is an object, static is not. This conduced the following things:

  • Singleton can be extended. Static not.
  • Singleton creation may not be threadsafe if it isn't implemented properly. Static not.
  • Singleton can be passed around as an object. Static not.
  • Singleton can be garbage collected. Static not.
  • Singleton is better than static class!
  • More here but I haven't realized yet :)

Last but not least, whenever you are going to implement a singleton, please consider to redesign your idea for not using this God object (believe me, you will tend to put all the "interesting" stuffs to this class) and use a normal class named "Context" or something like that instead.

A singleton can be initialized lazily, for one.

I think, significant thing is 'object' in object oriented programing. Except from few cases we should restrict to usage of static classes. That cases are:

  1. When the create an object is meaningless. Like methods of java.lang.Math. We can use the class like an object. Because the behavior of Math class methods doesn't depend on the state of the objects to be created in this class.
  2. Codes to be used jointly by more than one object method, the codes that do not reach the object's variables and are likely to be closed out can be static methods

Another important thing is singleton is extensible. Singleton can be extended. In the Math class, using final methods, the creation and extension of the object of this class has been avoided. The same is true for the java.lang.System class. However, the Runtime class is a single object, not a static method. In this case you can override the inheritance methods of the Runtime class for different purposes.

You can delay the creation of a Singleton object until it is needed (lazy loading). However, for static method classes, there is no such thing as a condition. If you reach any static member of the class, the class will be loaded into memory.

As a result, the most basic benefit to the static method class is that you do not have to create an object, but when used improperly, it will remove your code from being object-oriented.

The difference is language independent. Singleton is by definition: "Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to it. " a class filled with only static fields is not same as singleton but perhaps in your usage scenario they provide the same functionality. But as JRL said lazy initiation is one difference.