Is there a word to describe a feeling of devotion or love to or being a fanatic to a country that is not my own?

Patriotism is the word that describes a love or devotion to a person's own country. I'm looking for a similar word except one that describes this same feeling when it is not your own country you’re feeling this towards but rather another country that is not your own.

Solution 1:

Generally, when one has excessive fondness for a country or culture that is not one's own, one would employ a specific term like any of the following:

  • Anglophile - an admirer of Great Britain or England
  • Americanophile - an admirer of the United States of America
  • Germanophile - an admirer of Germany
  • Francophile - an admirer of France
  • Sinophile - an admirer of China
  • Japanophile - an admirer of Japan
  • Swedophile - an admirer of Sweden
  • Philhellene - an admirer of Greece

There are many more words formed on analogy with these.

Solution 2:


  • attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures.