What's a word for helpful knowledge you should have, but don't?

I'm looking for a word that describes practical/helpful knowledge that one should have, but doesn't, — due to the knowledge being less accessible than it should be. Something along the lines of trivia, but more helpful and not, well... trivial. Another similar word was life-hack, but I was looking for something that denoted knowledge more significant or substantial than novelty.


"Here's some [practical knowledge that you don't have] that'll make your student life easier."

Inside Information

Taking offset in the knowledge being 'inaccessible' or 'unknown' - I'd borrow a term from trading/business and use something like:

Inside information
"Here's some inside information that'll make your student life easier."

information known only by those most involved with the issue; secret information relating to an organization.

Tricks of the Trade

This sort of information is often known as Tricks of the trade.

Useful tips that insiders know but are not normally known by those outside the circle.

With this idiom, trade is used loosely. It doesn't apply to a specific profession but just whatever activity is relevant to the situation.

I would suggest tips or secrets.

Here's some secrets/tips that'll make your student life easier.


tip noun
2 A small but useful piece of practical advice.

‘handy tips for decorating a small flat’

Well, now here are some tips for keeping on top of everything.

secret noun
1.2 A valid but not commonly known or recognized method of achieving or maintaining something.

[mass noun] ‘the secret of a happy marriage is compromise’

‘A star student revealed to me the secret to doing this properly.’

Protip or Pro Tip. From http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/protip:

Internet slang term commonly used in online communities and social networking platforms to preface a piece of advice or suggestion that may either be genuinely helpful or self-explanatory in nature.

So for example:

  • Here are some protips that'll make your student life easier.


The term insight(s) roughly matches your desired purpose.

Insight: an understanding of the true nature of something

I think it makes more sense as a plural written as

Here are some insights [I've had] that'll make your life as a student easier.


Additionally, if you want to emphasize the hidden nature of the knowledge, revelation(s) could work well.

Here are some revelations [I've had] that'll make your life as a student easier.

In both cases I think the addition of the phrase 'I've had' sounds better, but attributes the speaker as the source of the information in a way that might not fit your intent.

All citations from the online Merriam-Webster website.