Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

We're trying to develop an geoplacement app for one of our clients, and we want first to test it in out own domain.

We have signed for Google Maps JavaScript API, and we have a valid browser key and our domain,, has been authorized to use that key.

But we can't make even the easiest example to run without error.

We have, in our domain and with our key, the following demo:


But it doesn't work, and Firebug console says:

"Google Maps API error: Google Maps API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError (link to Google documentation on RefererNotAllowedMapError) Your site URL to be authorized: (1)"

My credential page is missing the possibility of adding referrers to accept, so solutions involving adding referrers are not possible right now.

My credential Page:

enter image description here

Why do we get that error? How can we fix it?

I know this is an old question that already has several answers, but I had this same problem and for me the issue was that I followed the example provided on and entered my domains in the format *.domain.tld/*. This didn't work at all, and I tried adding all kinds of variations to this like domain.tld, domain.tld/*, *.domain.tld etc.

What solved it for me was adding the actual protocol too; http://domain.tld/* is the only one I need for it to work on my site. I guess I'll need to add https://domain.tld/* if I were to switch to HTTPS.

Update: Google have finally updated the placeholder to include http now:

Google Maps API referrer input field

Come on Google, you guys are smarter than the API Credential page lets on. (I know because I have two sons working there.)

The list of "referrers" is far pickier than it lets on. (Of course, it should be more forgiving.) Here are some rules that took me hours to discover:

  • The order in the list is important. Moving your URL up in the list may make it work.
  • "http://" prefix is required.
  • Even "localhost" needs it: "http://localhost/foo/bar.html"
  • A trailing * as a wildcard seems to work as if it is a string compare.
  • Even with "http://localhost/foo/bar.html", "http://localhost/foo/bar.html?arg=1" will not work. (Will a wildcard help?)
  • For both prod dev, have (at least) two rows: "http://localhost/foo/bar.html" and ""
  • A port number (8085? 4000?) does not seem to be necessary.

There are probably other rules, but this is a tedious guessing game.