Could not find tools.jar React Native Android In windows 10

guys . i just try to install react native in my laptop. i've followed all setup instruction but i stiil get those error .

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> Could not find tools.jar

i used genymotion with os version 5.1.0, i've setup environment variable for android_home. Any idea what i miss here ?

sdk manager

Setting the missing "JAVA_HOME" system environment variable worked for me.

  • Press WIN+Pause on keyboard.
  • Click advanced system settings.
  • Click "Environment variables".
  • Click "New" under "System variables".
  • Type "JAVA_HOME" in the Variable name field.
  • Type the path to the JDK in the Value field. For me the correct path with short filename was "C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_66". Your path will vary depending on the installed version.
  • Click OK, and OK in previous window too.
  • Restart any command prompts or restart the computer.
  • react-native run-android worked fine after that.

Setting up appropriate JDK (not JRE. JRE does not have tools.jar) version (E.g. JDK 1.7x) path as the JAVA_HOME would resolve this issue.

Please check your computer's environment variables and set JAVA_HOME if it has not already been setup.

If you have the Android Studio embedded JDK, then it may cause conflicts. A workaround for this problem I've found is setting your JAVA_HOME to the default JDK location specified in Android Studio.

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S to open Project Structure window.
  3. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path specified under "JDK location".