Use the key word WITH once at the top. If any of your Common Table Expressions (CTE) are recursive (rCTE) you have to add the keyword RECURSIVE at the top once also, even if not all CTEs are recursive:

  cte1 AS (...)         -- can still be non-recursive
, cte2 AS (SELECT ...
           UNION ALL
           SELECT ...)  -- recursive term
, cte3 AS (...)
SELECT ... FROM cte3 WHERE ...

The manual:

If RECURSIVE is specified, it allows a SELECT subquery to reference itself by name.

Bold emphasis mine. And, even more insightful:

Another effect of RECURSIVE is that WITH queries need not be ordered: a query can reference another one that is later in the list. (However, circular references, or mutual recursion, are not implemented.) Without RECURSIVE, WITH queries can only reference sibling WITH queries that are earlier in the WITH list.

Bold emphasis mine again. Meaning that the order of WITH clauses is meaningless when the RECURSIVE key word has been used.

BTW, since cte1 and cte2 in the example are not referenced in the outer SELECT and are plain SELECT commands themselves (no collateral effects), they are never executed (unless referenced in cte3).

Yes. You don't repeat the WITH. You just use a comma:

WITH cte1 AS (
     cte2 AS (
     cte3 AS (
SELECT ... FROM 'cte3' WHERE ...

And: Only use single quotes for string and date constants. Don't use them for column aliases. They are not allowed for CTE names anyway.