Angular2 Routerlink: add query parameters

Solution 1:

If u need something as /search?q=asdf than you can simply use:

@RouteConfig {
   {path: '/search',   name: 'Search', component: SearchCmp}

//And to generate router Links use:

<a [routerLink]="['/Search']" [queryParams]="{q:'asdf'}"></a>

This will generate the href tag as <a href="/search" but on clicking the anchor tag will lead you to url /search?q=asdf. [queryParams] will let you add the query params with "?", otherwise they will be appended by ";". You can get this parameter in your SearchCmp using:

constructor(private _routeParams: RouteParams) {
   var queryParam = this._routeParams.get('q');

Solution 2:

OP (Original Poster) asked how to add query parameters via router link, not a router parameters as @SaUrAbH MaUrYa answered.

To add query parameters you need to use [queryParams] binding:

<a [routerLink]="['/users']" [queryParams]="{ page: 1 }">next page</a>