Proof that $(3^n - 2^n) / n$ is not an integer, $n \geq 2$

Solution 1:

Let $p$ be the smallest prime factor of $n$ and write $n = p^k m$ where $p \nmid m$. By repeated application of Fermat's little theorem it follows that $3^n - 2^n \equiv 3^m - 2^m \equiv 0 \bmod p$. If $p = 2, 3$ then this is clearly never possible; otherwise, it follows that $\left( \frac{2}{3} \right)^m \equiv 1 \bmod p$, hence that $\gcd(p-1, m) > 1$. But this is also impossible since the prime factors of $m$ are all larger than $p$.

Solution 2:

If $$ (3^n−2^n)/n $$ is an integer, then $$n |(3^n−2^n)$$ i.e., $$3^n−2^n=kn $$ for some integer k. $$ 3^n=2^n+kn. $$ If kn is even, then the LHS must be even, so $$2∤n.$$ $$ 2^n=3^n-kn $$ If 3|kn, then 3 will divide $$2^n$$(the LHS), so $$3∤n.$$ It implies n is co-prime to 3*2 i.e, (3*2,n)=1. $$3^n−2^n=kn =>3^n≡2^n(mod\ n)=>(3*2^{-1})^n≡1(mod\ n)$$

If p is the smallest prime that divides n, then $$(3*2^{-1})^n≡1(mod\ p)$$ If $$ ord_p(3*2^{-1})=D,\ then\ D|(p-1,n).$$ But. p being the smallest factor of n, n can not have any factor>1 common with p-1 =>D=1=>3≡2(mod p) i.e., 1|p.

Observation: If $$ ord_n(3*2^{-1})=d,$$ then the problem reduces to find d such that d|n and d|φ(n).