Tactical map not showing in Company of Heroes 2
I'm trying to use the tactical map in CoH2 and it's simply not showing.
I have a keyboard without a numpad, so I initially thought that was the problem. I remapped the tilde (`) key to numpad 0, but that didn't help. It worked in notepad because typing ` would result in a 0 (assuming numlock is on) or it would toggle insert mode (if numpad was off).
I then tried plugging in another keyboard - one that does have a numpad. And yet still the tactical map will not come up.
I also tried switching between the different key modes (classic versus non-classic) and the problem persists.
Finally, I tried classic missions because until then I had been trying Ardennes and thought maybe the tactical map wasn't available there for some reason. It still didn't work.
What the heck is going on? How do I get the tactical map to come up?
Solution 1:
Now that I figured out tactical map does work in skirmish, it was easy to Google and confirm this inexplicable oversight. For example, from here:
Nevermind it appears it is only available in online gameplay.