A word for treating all deviating instances in the same way
I want a word for when you apply the same treatment to any object that possesses some measurable quality, regardless of its measure.
For example, we work at a potato chip (crisp) plant and are tasked with inspecting the bags. If we find that some bags deviate from the expected weight too much, we throw them in the trash. I wrote
A lot of chips are lost because we discard the deviant bags without scrutiny.
But we are scrutinizing the bags, we just aren't adapting our treatment of the bags according to their individual properties - for instance, if a bag weighs too much instead of too little, maybe it would be smarter to eat it for lunch or do whatever with it. But we're just throwing them in the trash, without _______.
Or perhaps we are wondering what film to watch tonight. We apply the rule "only movies with a 90%+ rating on RT", ignoring the rest without ______.
Closer inspection? Doesn't really work for the same reason - we may be identifying the deviant bags/low-rated films after super close inspection. What's interesting is what we do after inspecting them.
You are treating all instances without exception.
Your examples:
But we're just throwing them in the trash, without exception.
We apply the rule "only movies with a 90%+ rating on RT", ignoring the rest without exception.
exception NOUN
A person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule.
‘he always plays top tunes, and tonight was no exception’
‘the administrator made an exception in the Colonel's case and waived the normal visiting hours’without exception PHRASE
With no one or nothing excluded.
‘almost without exception, all the residents are opposed to this vandalism’
‘The law will be applied without exception, notably in public places.’
If a phrase is acceptable, you can use second thought(s) in the sense of closer inspection.
But we're just throwing them in the trash, without second thought.
We apply the rule "only movies with a 90%+ rating on RT", ignoring the rest without second thoughts.
second thoughts (US second thought) PLURAL NOUN
A change of opinion or resolve reached after considering something again.
‘on second thoughts, perhaps he was right’