Are ores replenished over time?

Solution 1:

The official strategy guide mentions that ores grow back after about a month, so there's nothing to worry about.

Solution 2:

I haven't tried it out, but it would seem that the amount of ores in a vein do regenerate after some time.

Given that Todd Howard claimed that Skyrim has an infinite number of quests, having a number set in stone for ores seems kind of counter-intuitive.

I'll mine some ore tonight and play around for a bit to see how long it takes to respawn exactly.

Solution 3:

I'm in steam-scorch mine near Kynesgrove right now and the malachite ore has regenerated. But, the strange thing is that I am unable to mine them (the option does not even appear), it does not give me the option so it is probably a glitch of some kind.

The same thing has happened at Goldenrock Mine (by Darkwater Crossing), the ore has regenerated but I can't mine it. Maybe it has not been long enough yet, or there is a glitch where it shows the ore to be there when it is actually still depleted. Hopefully this glitch will fix itself so that I don't have to go tramping around looking for mines to get my smithing up to 100. I want to see what the dragon smithed items are like.

Edit: Restarted the game and can now mine the ore that was replenished but not targetable.