Page redirect with successful Ajax request

Solution 1:

Sure. Just put something at the the end of your success function like:

if(result === "no_errors") location.href = ""

where your server returns the response no_errors when there are no errors present.

Solution 2:

Just do some error checking, and if everything passes then set window.location to redirect the user to a different page.

    url: 'mail3.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: 'contactName=' + name + '&contactEmail=' + email + '&spam=' + spam,

    success: function(result) {
        $('#contactWrapper').append('<p id="results">' + result + '</p>');
        $('#loading').fadeOut(500, function() {


        if ( /*no errors*/ ) {


Solution 3:

You can just redirect in your success handler, like this:

window.location.href = "thankyou.php";

Or since you're displaying results, wait a few seconds, for example this would wait 2 seconds:

setTimeout(function() {
  window.location.href = "thankyou.php";
}, 2000);

Solution 4:

        url: 'mail3.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: 'contactName=' + name + '&contactEmail=' + email + '&spam=' + spam,

        success: function(result) {

            $('#contactWrapper').append('<p id="results">' + result + '</p>');
            $('#loading').fadeOut(500, function() {


            if(result === "no_errors") location.href = ""


Solution 5:

In your mail3.php file you should trap errors in a try {} catch {}

try {
    /*code here for email*/
} catch (Exception $e) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');

Then in your success call you wont have to worry about your errors, because it will never return as a success.

and you can use: window.location.href = "thankyou.php"; inside your success function like Nick stated.