A name for a well-informed person who is not believed? [duplicate]

Is there a term for a well informed person who is not believed, or not listened to, or is even ridiculed?

I do not necessarily mean some one before their time... I am thinking in more general terms.

(I have googled this but the question is too broad and has too many keywords and if I try to narrow it down I lose the original meaning.)

You could try Cassandra:-

  1. Greek Mythology A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.
  2. One that utters unheeded prophecies.

[American Heritage Dictionary]

This would be particularly apposite if the person was something of a pessimist.

They are [like] a prophet in his own land, which is based on a Bible quote - Mark 6:4.

A prophet is not without honor save in his own country

Words spoken by Jesus to the people of Nazareth, the town where he grew up. They refused to believe in his teaching because they considered him one of themselves and therefore without authority to preach to them.

Note : The expression is now used of anyone whose talents and accomplishments are highly regarded by everyone except those at home.
— The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy