Is it possible to trade from an emulator into a nintendo device?

want to know, if it is worth shiny hunting on pokemon crystal, so if I get a shiny, I can trade it to not an emulator, and not be afraid of losing a shiny ,if my phone loses all of it's info.

Solution 1:

In fact, yeah, there is a way. But it requires third-party hardware.

For this to work, you will need:

  • 2 Gameboy Colors/Advances
  • A link cable
  • A GBC Flash Cart of your choosing (preferably one compatible with the emulator you're using).
  • A compatible SD card

Step 1: Transfer files to SD card

I recommend following a video tutorial for transferring emulator files onto your Flash Cart because this part is a little bit complicated and may need a better tutorial than plain text.

Step 2: Start up the games

Once you have successfully transferred your emulator files onto your Flash Cart, put both your official copy of the Gen 2 games and your Flash Cart into compatible Gameboy systems. These devices must be able to connect via link cable.

Step 3: Initiate trade

After both games have started up, connect the link cable to each device, head to a Pokémon center, and set up a trade room. Select the Pokémon you want to trade (in this case your shiny along with a throwaway, likely a Ladyba or Sentret) and accept the trade.

If done correctly, your shiny has been successfully transferred to an official cartridge. Your shiny now has a new home with legitimate non-emulator Pokémon. Nobody will know the difference ;)