Wireless Keyboard disconnects

I am having a little trouble with my wireless keyboard.

In the past 3 weeks it has disconnected 3 times and then reconnected after a few moments. The Magic Mouse is working fine alongside it, and the power is up over 70%.

Any advice for when this happens or why this happens would be appreciated.

Mine did this for a bit - turn it off, pull out the batteries, and turn it on again. Failing that, un-pair it from your computer (ideally, pair it with something else too) and then re-pair - this solved my problem (although it was never as regular as yours).

It seems like Apple is aware of this happening now and then, and has built some support into Mac OS X to minimize the problems. They call it "Favourites". It basically means that the OS will prioritize re-pairing the favourited device if it looses connection with it.

Visit Apple Support for more info: http://support.apple.com/kb/TA21371