A person who uses a dog for hunting

Is there a specific name for a person who uses dogs for hunting or other practical means such as tracking? Something like falconer for people using birds of prey?

There seems to be a term that some people who hunt with dogs use among themselves; Houndsman. The term isn't quite a simple as being a person who hunts with dogs, so much as a person who hunts with dogs in a way that purist hunters-with-dogs approve of.

This quote is from a forum for Big Game Houndsmen

I know this may be a bitter pill to many: a lion hunter does not make you a houndsman, and bear hunter or a cat hunter or a coon hunter does not make you a houndsmen. You are a hunter a possibly a hound enthusiast. You will know when you are a houndsmen. No longer is it a hobby, no longers is it a sport, it is a way of life. And it is not for everybody.

This quote clearly suggests that the author isn't familiar with any other generic words for 'hunter-with-dog' as he classes anyone who hunts-with-dogs but isn't a houndsman as a mere hunter or hound enthusiast.
I can't find this term defined in any dictionaries I can access, and there is the added confusion that there might be a more nudge-nudge-wink-wink type definition of a houndsman being one who enjoys the chase of cougars but doesn't want to be tied down.

If you are talking about hunting, then a person in charge is a Master of Hounds.

This is a term usually used in the field of hunting to hounds which usually means fox hunting or drag hunting. A pack of dogs follows the scent of the animal or a deliberately laid scent (a "drag"). The dogs are followed by the hunters, often on horseback. The Master trains and looks after the pack.

If you are talking about using a trained dog for other tasks, the term is simply a Dog Handler.

This is used for sniffer dogs, police dogs, guide dogs and other forms of working.