(Java Minecraft 1.14) How to use /data with an nbt path?
Solution 1:
"Child" tags are just tags inside other tags. Like "memories" is a child tag of "Brain".
The string notation is a bit misleading, you can't actually use it for strings in NBT. It's used if an NBT tag's name contains special characters, like a period, a square bracket, etc. No normal Vanilla NBT tag contains such special characters, but it is possible in a few places to use custom NBT tags.
If you want to get the damage on the item in your hand, use /data get entity @s SelectedItem.tag.Damage 1
. The Player.dat wiki page shows player tags, and if you use SelectedItem
(which returns an item) you need to look at the Item Structure tags, and see that the tag:
tag has information about the item itself. Going to the general tags shows you the Damage tag. Therefore, you chain these together to get SelectedItem.tag.Damage