Silent Hill 4 crashes when I pick any item, I'm using the Widescreen fix

I downloaded this fix for Silent Hill 4 on PC. The fix improved the frame rate during cut scenes and overall, but when I pick any item the game automatically crashes.

This is the configuration I have on the script file:

ResX = 1366
ResY = 768
Fix2D = 1 // Corrects menus and FMVs, but disables some visual effects.
FixFOV = 1
DisableCutsceneBorders = 1 // Removes cutscene letterboxing.
IncreaseBackgroundRes = 1 // Pause background will render at native resolution.
CutsceneFrameRateFix = 1 // Cutscenes will not be limited to 15fps.
DisableCheckSpec = 1 // Bypasses hardware check.

DisableRegistryDependency = 1 // Allows the game to run without the registry data.
DisableSafeMode = 1 // Prevents the game from using default settings after closing the game.
SkipIntro = 1
BrightnessFix = 1 // Adjusts default settings to match the PS2 version.

Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I changed the name of the question because the crashes happen while picking any item, not just notes.

Here's the script file I used to fix the issue:

ResX = 0
ResY = 0
Fix2D = 0 // Corrects menus and FMVs, but disables some visual effects.
FixFOV = 1
DisableCutsceneBorders = 1 // Removes cutscene letterboxing.
IncreaseBackgroundRes = 1 // Pause background will render at native resolution.
CutsceneFrameRateFix = 1 // Cutscenes will not be limited to 15fps.
DisableCheckSpec = 1 // Bypasses hardware check.

DisableRegistryDependency = 0 // Allows the game to run without the registry data.
DisableSafeMode = 1 // Prevents the game from using default settings after closing the game.
SkipIntro = 0
BrightnessFix = 1 // Adjusts default settings to match the PS2 version.

ResX = 0
ResY = 0
Fix2D = 1 // Corrects menus and FMVs, but disables some visual effects.
FixFOV = 1
DisableCutsceneBorders = 1 // Removes cutscene letterboxing.
IncreaseBackgroundRes = 1 // Pause background will render at native resolution.
CutsceneFrameRateFix = 1 // Cutscenes will not be limited to 15fps.
DisableCheckSpec = 1 // Bypasses hardware check.

DisableRegistryDependency = 0 // Allows the game to run without the registry data.
DisableSafeMode = 0 // Prevents the game from using default settings after closing the game.
SkipIntro = 0
BrightnessFix = 0 // Adjusts default settings to match the PS2 version.

Right, with a little research, I've solved the problem (for me). The above is my settings and I've managed to bypass all of the problems.

If that doesn't work, check out what this guy did. (which basically got me experimenting until I found the solution that worked for me.)