Can I use an SSH tunnel to access a web server that's listening on a different IP/Port on the same server?

I've got a web server that isn't quite ready for general availability but I'd still like to test some things remotely. Can I leverage an SSH tunnel to connect to the server and then use the tunnel to route to the web service that is operating on the same server? If so how?

I realize that implementing firewall exceptions would be easier but that isn't an option at this time.

Sorry if this is confusing. I agree that it's a unique scenario.

CentOS 5.x

I know cherokee management works this way, so let's say you have bound your webserver to your localhost on port 8080

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 your_servers_ip

After that you can access the remote interface through http://localhost:8080 and every request will be forwarded to the remote IP running your webserver.

What Lucas said, where "localhost" can also be any reachable IP address from the SSH host.

Note that if you're using name virtual hosts, you will also need to do a /etc/hosts hack, so that you append something to the existing line, something like:   localhost

Your browser can then use