In Minecraft, how can I use Curse of Vanishing and Curse of Binding to my advantage in Singleplayer Hardcore Mode?

I recently traded with a villager and got a Curse of Binding and a Curse of Vanishing enchanted book. I am in version v1.14 with no mods and I want to know if I can use these books to my advantage.

Solution 1:

In your context of Singleplayer Hardcore, neither enchant is really useful.

Curse of Binding is just annoying, as the only way you could get the armour off you if you put it on would be to wear down the durability, which is risky as you need to take damage to do this.

Curse of Vanishing, you might as well put on all your items anyway as a flex, it's hardcore, so if you die, everything gets deleted anyway. Not sure on the mechanics, but it's possible that as it's a negative enchant, it makes the 'enchantment value' of the tool/armour lower, so it's actually cheaper to repair/combine at anvil.

Solution 2:

The curses are meant to be negative. The best use for them, if you want to apply them intentionally, is pranks, like dispensing a pumpkin with curse of binding onto someone who isn't wearing a helmet.