Why is processing a sorted array *slower* than an unsorted array? (Java's ArrayList.indexOf)

Solution 1:

It looks like caching / prefetching effect.

The clue is that you compare Doubles (objects), not doubles (primitives). When you allocate objects in one thread, they are typically allocated sequentially in memory. So when indexOf scans a list, it goes through sequential memory addresses. This is good for CPU cache prefetching heuristics.

But after you sort the list, you still have to do the same number of memory lookups in average, but this time memory access will be in random order.


Here is the benchmark to prove that the order of allocated objects matters.

Benchmark            (generator)  (length)  (postprocess)  Mode  Cnt  Score   Error  Units
ListIndexOf.indexOf       random   1000000           none  avgt   10  1,243 ± 0,031  ms/op
ListIndexOf.indexOf       random   1000000           sort  avgt   10  6,496 ± 0,456  ms/op
ListIndexOf.indexOf       random   1000000        shuffle  avgt   10  6,485 ± 0,412  ms/op
ListIndexOf.indexOf   sequential   1000000           none  avgt   10  1,249 ± 0,053  ms/op
ListIndexOf.indexOf   sequential   1000000           sort  avgt   10  1,247 ± 0,037  ms/op
ListIndexOf.indexOf   sequential   1000000        shuffle  avgt   10  6,579 ± 0,448  ms/op

Solution 2:

I think we are seeing the effect of memory cache misses:

When you create the unsorted list

for (int i = 0; i < LIST_LENGTH; i++) {

all the double are most likely allocated in a contiguous memory area. Iterating through this will produce few cache misses.

On the other hand in the sorted list the references point to memory in a chaotic manner.

Now if you create a sorted list with contiguous memory:

List<Double> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < LIST_LENGTH; i++) {
    list2.add(new Double(list.get(i).doubleValue()));

this sorted list has the same performance than the original one (my timing).