choosing between $0 and BASH_SOURCE

How does one choose between "$0" and "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"

This description from GNU didn't help me much.


 An array variable whose members are the source filenames where the
 corresponding shell function names in the FUNCNAME array variable are
 defined. The shell function ${FUNCNAME[$i]} is defined in the file
 ${BASH_SOURCE[$i]} and called from ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]}

Note: For a POSIX-compliant solution, see this answer.

${BASH_SOURCE[0]} (or, more simply, $BASH_SOURCE[1] ) contains the (potentially relative) path of the containing script in all invocation scenarios, notably also when the script is sourced, which is not true for $0.

Furthermore, as Charles Duffy points out, $0 can be set to an arbitrary value by the caller.
On the flip side, $BASH_SOURCE can be empty, if no named file is involved; e.g.:
echo 'echo "[$BASH_SOURCE]"' | bash

The following example illustrates this:

Script foo:

echo "[$0] vs. [${BASH_SOURCE[0]}]"

$ bash ./foo
[./foo] vs. [./foo]

$ ./foo
[./foo] vs. [./foo]

$ . ./foo
[bash] vs. [./foo]

$0 is part of the POSIX shell specification, whereas BASH_SOURCE, as the name suggests, is Bash-specific.

[1] Optional reading: ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} vs. $BASH_SOURCE:

Bash allows you to reference element 0 of an array variable using scalar notation: instead of writing ${arr[0]}, you can write $arr; in other words: if you reference the variable as if it were a scalar, you get the element at index 0.

Using this feature obscures the fact that $arr is an array, which is why popular shell-code linter issues the following warning (as of this writing):

SC2128: Expanding an array without an index only gives the first element.

On a side note: While this warning is helpful, it could be more precise, because you won't necessarily get the first element: It is specifically the element at index 0 that is returned, so if the first element has a higher index - which is possible in Bash - you'll get the empty string; try 'a[1]='hi'; echo "$a"'.
(By contrast, zsh, ever the renegade, indeed does return the first element, irrespective of its index).

You may choose to eschew this feature due to its obscurity, but it works predictably and, pragmatically speaking, you'll rarely, if ever, need to access indices other than 0 of array variable ${BASH_SOURCE[@]}.

Optional reading, part 2: Under what conditions does the BASH_SOURCE array variable actually contain multiple elements?:

BASH_SOURCE only has multiple entries if function calls are involved, in which case its elements parallel the FUNCNAME array that contains all function names currently on the call stack.

That is, inside a function, ${FUNCNAME[0]} contains the name of the executing function, and ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} contains the path of the script file in which that function is defined, ${FUNCNAME[1]} contains the name of the function from which the currently executing function was called, if applicable, and so on.

If a given function was invoked directly from the top-level scope in the script file that defined the function at level $i of the call stack, ${FUNCNAME[$i+1]} contains:

  • main (a pseudo function name), if the script file was invoked directly (e.g., ./script)

  • source (a pseudo function name), if the script file was sourced (e.g. source ./script or . ./script).

These scripts may help illustrate. The outer script calls the middle script, which calls the inner script:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "\$0 = '$0'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[0]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[0]}'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[1]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[1]}'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[2]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[2]}'"
$ ./
$0 = './'
$BASH_SOURCE[0] = './'
$BASH_SOURCE[1] = ''
$BASH_SOURCE[2] = ''

However, if we change the script calls to source statements:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ./
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ./
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "\$0 = '$0'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[0]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[0]}'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[1]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[1]}'"
echo "\${BASH_SOURCE[2]} = '${BASH_SOURCE[2]}'"
$ ./
$0 = './'
$BASH_SOURCE[0] = './'
$BASH_SOURCE[1] = './'
$BASH_SOURCE[2] = './'

For portability, use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} when it is defined, and $0 otherwise. That gives


Notably, in say zsh, the $0 does contain correct filepath even if the script is sourced.

TL;DR I'd recommend using ${BASH_SOURCE:-$0} as the most universal variant.

Previous answers are good but they do not mention one caveat of using ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} directly: if you invoke the script as sh's argument and your sh is not aliased to bash (in my case, on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, it was linked to dash), it may fail with BASH_SOURCE variable being empty/undefined. Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "\$0:                    [$0]"
echo "\$BASH_SOURCE:          [$BASH_SOURCE]"
echo "\$BASH_SOURCE or \$0:    [${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}]"
echo "\$BASH_SOURCE[0] or \$0: [${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}]"

(Successful) runs:

$ ./
$0:                    [./]
$BASH_SOURCE:          [./]
$BASH_SOURCE or $0:    [./]
$BASH_SOURCE[0] or $0: [./]

$ source ./
$0:                    [/bin/bash]
$BASH_SOURCE:          [./]
$BASH_SOURCE or $0:    [./]
$BASH_SOURCE[0] or $0: [./]

$ bash
$0:                    []
$BASH_SOURCE:          []
$BASH_SOURCE or $0:    []
$BASH_SOURCE[0] or $0: []

And finally:

$ sh
$0:                    []
$BASH_SOURCE:          []
$BASH_SOURCE or $0:    [] 6: Bad substitution


As you see, only the third variant: ${BASH_SOURCE:-$0} - works and gives consistent result under all invocation scenarios. Note that we take advantage of bash's feature of making a reference to an unsubscripted array variable equal to the first array element.