When (if ever) is eval NOT evil?

I've heard many places that PHP's eval function is often not the answer. In light of PHP 5.3's LSB and closures we're running out of reasons to depend on eval or create_function.

Are there any conceivable cases where eval is the best (only?) answer in PHP 5.3?

This question is not about whether eval is evil in general, as it obviously is not.

Summary of Answers:

  • Evaluating numerical expressions (or other "safe" subsets of PHP)
  • Unit testing
  • Interactive PHP "shell"
  • Deserialization of trusted var_export
  • Some template languages
  • Creating backdoors for administers and/or hackers
  • Compatibility with < PHP 5.3
  • Checking syntax (possibly not safe)

Solution 1:

If you're writing malware and you want to make life hard for the sysadmin who's trying to clean up after you. That seems to be the most common usage case in my experience.

Solution 2:

Eric Lippert sums eval up over three blog posts. It's a very interesting read.

As far as I'm aware, the following are some of the only reasons eval is used.

For example, when you are building up complex mathematical expressions based on user input, or when you are serializing object state to a string so that it can be stored or transmitted, and reconstituted later.

Solution 3:

The main problem with eval is it being a gateway for malicious code. Thus you should never use it in a context where it can be exploited from the outside, e.g. user provided input.

One valid UseCase would be in Mocking Frameworks.

Example from PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMock()

// ... some code before

    $mock = PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::generate(

    if (!class_exists($mock['mockClassName'], FALSE)) {

// ... some code after

There is actually a lot of things happening in the generate method. In laymens terms: PHPUnit will take the arguments to generate and create a class template from it. It will then eval that class template to make it available for instantiation. The point of this is to have TestDoubles to mock dependencies in UnitTests of course.

Solution 4:

You can use eval to create ad-hoc classes:

function myAutoLoad($sClassName){

   # classic part
   if (file_exists($sClassName.'.php'){

      require $sClassName.'.php';

    } else {

            class $sClassName{
                public function __call($sMethod,$aArgs){
                     return 'No such class: ' . $sClassName;



Although, of course, usage is quite limited (some API's or maybe DI containers, testing frameworks, ORMs which have to deal with databases with dynamic structure, code playgrounds)

Solution 5:

If you are writing a site that interprets and executes PHP code, like an interactive shell would.


I'm a systems guy, that's all I got.