Can't Add View from Controller in VS 2015 : "There was an error running the selected code generator"

I'm following a video tutorial where I'm required to create an empty ASP.NET Web Application with MVC, using Visual Studio 2015, being new to ASP.NET world, I'm following step by step.

I got my project created well, next step adding a View from an existing Controller, I got hit by a messagebox error saying :

Error :
There was an error running the selected code generator: 'Invalid pointer (Exception from HRESULT:0x80004003(E_POINTER))'

I Googled the problem, found similar issues, but none led to a clear solution, some similar problems were issued by anterior version of VisualStudio, but as I said none with a clear solution.

To clarify what I experienced, here's what I've done step by step :

Chosen a ASP.NET Web Application :

enter image description here

Chosen Empty Template with MVC checked :

enter image description here

Tried to Add View from a Controller :

enter image description here

Some settings ...

enter image description here

The Error :

enter image description here

What's causing this problem and What is the solution for it ?

Update :

It turns out that even by trying to add the View manually I get the same error, adding a view is all ways impossible !

Solution 1:

Try clearing the ComponentModelCache, the cache will rebuild next time VS is launched.

  1. Close Visual Studio
  2. Delete everything in this folder C:\Users\ [your users name] \AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache
  3. Restart Visual Studio

14.0 is for visual studio 2015. This will work for other versions also.

Solution 2:

I had this issue with a different error message "-1 is outs the bounds of.."

The only thing that worked for me, was to remove the project from the solution by right clicking the project and selecting 'Remove'. Then right click the solution, Add Existing Project, and selecting the project to reload it into the solution.

After reloading the project, I can now add views again.