What word describes: "a person who always follows the rules"? [duplicate]

I'm looking for a word that describes a person who strictly follows a set of rules without exception. Something close to obeyer or fanatic, but with an emphasis on 'Strictly following the rules'.

Usage example:

The website was taken over by [users who obey the rules strictly].

Someone who always follows a defined procedure, such as a set of rules is a Stickler.

A "stickler for the rules" will always insist that the rules are followed.

You can call that person a conformist.

A person who uncritically or habitually conforms to the customs, rules, or styles of a group.

Eg: .. organisations where employees are loyal without being unthinking conformists.

Here in the UK, we have the term - Jobsworth

"A jobsworth is a person who uses their job description in a deliberately uncooperative way, or who seemingly delights in acting in an obstructive or unhelpful manner. The term can also be applied to those who uphold petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense."

You could say this person is (or behaves) by the book:

strictly according to the rules.

"a cop who doesn't exactly play it by the book"

synonyms: according to the rules, within the law, lawfully, legally, legitimately; honestly, fairly; informal on the level, fair and square

"he's a cop who does everything by the book"

I might use Goody Two-shoes or goody-goody

Goody-goody is listed as:

affectedly or ingratiatingly good or proper