How can I copy files from and send files to a remote Linux machine on my Macbook Pro on a SSH connection?

Using my PC I just used Tunnelier, it took care of all the dirty work for me. Now that I have got a MacBook Pro (for design purposes) I am at a loss of how to send my files to the Linux server.

Any help would be appreciated.

rsync is the business.

rsync -chavz --partial --progress --stats source_files remotehost.domain:target_dir


--checksum             -c              -- skip based on checksums, not mod-time & size                                                                                                                   
--human-readable       -h              -- output numbers in a human-readable format                                                                                                                      
--archive              -a              -- archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)                                                                                                                         
--verbose              -v              -- increase verbosity                                                                                                                                             
--compress             -z              -- compress file data during the transfer                                                                                                                         
--partial                              -- keep partially transferred files                                                                                                                               
--progress                             -- show progress during transfer                                                                                                                                  
--stats                                -- give some file-transfer stats                                                                                                                                  

The great thing about rsync is that it only copies what it needs to. So if you run the command a second time, it should copy nothing at all (unless one of the files has changed on either end in the meantime). This is also useful if your transfer gets interrupted somehow. The output of the command above will give you some information on by how much it has sped up your file transfer.

scp pathToFileOnMBP username@linuxHost:pathToFileOnLinux

useful options:

-r for recursive copy

-P portnumber if you want to use a port other than 22 (standard ssh)

Open Terminal ( press Command key + Space, type "Terminal", press Enter )

In the Terminal type:

scp -r path_to_your_files user@linuxserver:~

It will ask for the user's (your) password and will copy "your_files" to the user's home directory (~).

In case you need to copy it to another directory on the Linux server:

scp -r path_to_your_files user@linuxserver:path_to_another_directory

Make sure "user" has write permissions to "path_to_another_directory"