Is it possible to use a shield in one hand and magic in the other?

It seems that despite no matter how many combinations of right clicking, left clicking, and favorites I set up, I can't seem to use a shield in one hand and magic in the other.

Is this always impossible? Is there perhaps a perk that allows this ability?

Solution 1:

This is possible from the beginning, I'm running around electrocuting enemies with my right hand and blocking with a shield on my left hand pretty much since the beginning of the game.

Left clicking assigns the item or spell to your right hand and right clicking assigns it to your left hand. So you want to right click on a shield and left click on a spell.

To activate the spell or block with your shield the mouse buttons are reversed from assigning, you activate your right hand with a left lick and your left hand with a right click.

Favoriting just puts the item or spell into a list you can access via the Q key, you can equip from the inventory directly or from your favorites list.

enter image description here

It should look like this, where both the shield and the spell are marked in the inventory and favorite list:


Solution 2:

No, it's a bug, and Ian is right.

Read this on ( That guy experienced the same thing as myself.

It is nearly impossible to use spells, only one spell may be selected at a time, and there are no hotkeys for switching spells. The closest thing there is are "favorites", but these only work for one hand, not both hands.

Most spells register only on the [L] mouse button or [LR] regardless of what you've clicked and key-settings. And sometimes you can't even de-select a spell. I have not seen that with weapons but very ANNOYING.

The EVIL part is that once you connect a XBox360 controller for PC, spells have no problems selecting either [L] or [R] or whatever combination with the trigger buttons.