PATH variable and quotation marks (windows)

Solution 1:

The PATH variable doesn't ordinarily contain quotes; it uses semicolons as its delimiter. For example, here is my system's PATH definition, which includes folders with spaces:

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit\

It seems that Windows can execute programs with "quoted" paths, but the DLL search routine can't handle them.

Ideally you should use:

set PATH=c:\app\bin;c:\app\runtime;%PATH%

Another workaround might be to launch the program from c:\app\runtime, eg:

cd /d C:\app\runtime

That may not even require modifying the PATH variable.

Solution 2:

This happens when you paste in a path value with TWO or more paths separated by a COLON instead of pasting them into the dialog one at a time. I had the same issue.

Your Solutions:

  1. Remove the path value with separated by COLONS and paste them into a text editor, then paste each path value in separately. OR
  2. Click the button EDIT TEXT... and remove the quotes around the outside of your string. The environment var dialog will then move each value to a new line.

Click OK OK then relaunch your terminal editor to load the new values.

Hope that helps!