I'm trying to list the latest destination (MAX departure time) for each train in a table, for example:

Train    Dest      Time
1        HK        10:00
1        SH        12:00
1        SZ        14:00
2        HK        13:00
2        SH        09:00
2        SZ        07:00

The desired result should be:

Train    Dest      Time
1        SZ        14:00
2        HK        13:00

I have tried using

SELECT Train, Dest, MAX(Time)
FROM TrainTable

by I got a "ora-00979 not a GROUP BY expression" error saying that I must include 'Dest' in my group by statement. But surely that's not what I want...

Is it possible to do it in one line of SQL?

SELECT train, dest, time FROM ( 
  SELECT train, dest, time, 
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY train ORDER BY time DESC) dest_rank
    FROM traintable
  ) where dest_rank = 1

You cannot include non-aggregated columns in your result set which are not grouped. If a train has only one destination, then just add the destination column to your group by clause, otherwise you need to rethink your query.


SELECT t.Train, t.Dest, r.MaxTime
      SELECT Train, MAX(Time) as MaxTime
      FROM TrainTable
      GROUP BY Train
) r
INNER JOIN TrainTable t
ON t.Train = r.Train AND t.Time = r.MaxTime

Here's an example that only uses a Left join and I believe is more efficient than any group by method out there: ExchangeCore Blog

FROM TrainTable t1 LEFT JOIN TrainTable t2
ON (t1.Train = t2.Train AND t1.Time < t2.Time)

Another solution:

select * from traintable
where (train, time) in (select train, max(time) from traintable group by train);

As long as there are no duplicates (and trains tend to only arrive at one station at a time)...

select Train, MAX(Time),
      max(Dest) keep (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY Time) max_keep
from TrainTable