How do I fix a blurry arrow in an alias icon?

I keep an alias on my desktop. It points to a Terminal shell script .command file. The alias arrow appears enlarged and fuzzy. It's pictured here next to a normal icon.

Blurry Arrow Alias Icon

How do I correct the look of the arrow in this icon?

I have tried restarting Finder (also my computer) and recreating the alias.

Solution 1:

Solved! I was able to solve this problem by going to "Show View Options" (Right Click on Desktop Space) and adjusting the icon size. You can set it back to the size you had it originally but somehow making an adjustment refreshes the screen and the arrows come back sharp and clear.

Before I discovered this I tried making icons different resolution sizes thinking the arrow was trying to "match" pixel resolution - but that apparently isn't the case. I would have used the "change icon file name" but somehow I wasn't able to get "system" approval even though I'm the admin.