Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed]

Solution 1:

xdebug has Code Coverage Analysis.

Check this chapter of the PHPUnit Manual

Solution 2:

See our PHP Test Coverage tool from Semantic Designs:

Very low overhead, handles huge systems of files, intuitive GUI showing coverage on specific files, and generated report with coverage breakdown at method, class and package levels.

Best of all, no requirement to install anything in the system being tested. No need for xdebug, etc., which means you don't have to argue with the sysadmin to do your testing.

You can use it with PHPUnit to get unit-test driven coverage. Or you can use it on your website to collect coverage from any functional testing approach/tools you may have.

Solution 3:

Using Xdebug in combination with PHPUnit can give you code coverage analysis.

Solution 4:

Spike PHPCoverage. Both SimpleTest and PHPUnit can easily be integrated with it, although PHPUnits support is there out-of-the-box.

Solution 5:

Zend Studio ships with code coverage tools out the box.