How can I dim the screen from Terminal?

You can do it via an Applescript and run it as such:


tell application "System Events"
        key code 144
end tell


tell application "System Events"
        key code 145
end tell

You can save these as .script files and then run them from the CLI like this:

osascript ~/Path/to/File

You may refer to this.

You can also do it this way, but that requires more setup.

You can install this command line tool from The install is pretty easy if you have homebrew:

brew install brightness

And usage is straightforward:

  • Set 100% brightness: brightness 1
  • Set 50% brightness: brightness 0.5

Unfortunately it doesn't work for external monitors. See Does Apple support DDC/CI for 3rd party displays via Apple's Thunderbolt to DVI adapter for background on why.


I've created a node module for this that supports setting the brightness using the CLI. See

npm install --global brightness-cli

And then simply just run brightness from your command line.